神必將帶領 Kevin 牧師家庭與曉婷與 Eric 家庭前面的路
- Dec
- 10
周報牧者的話:牧者的話:神必將帶領 Kevin 牧師家庭與曉婷與 Eric 家庭前面的路
一、身為父親寵兒的單純家居階段:17 年
God will lead the future for Pastor Kevin’s family and Hsiao-Ting and EricThe
3 stages of Joseph’s life
1. The favorite of his father and naïve childhood: 17 years
2. Sold as a slave and was betrayed and jailed: many years
3. Elevated to become the vizier of Egypt and saved his family:
一、埃及皇宮皇子 40 年:世上知識、皇宮教育的學習、體驗自己民族為奴的血統
二、米甸曠野牧人 40 年:
三、漂流曠野領袖 40 年:
Moses’ three stages of life:
1. Son of pharaoh living in the palace for 40 years: educated inthe royal curriculum, understanding his own race was underslavery
2. Shepherd in the Midian desert for 40 years
3. Leading the Israelite in the wilds for 40 years
Three stages of David’s life
1. As a shepherd playing harp to worship with the sheep
2. Defeated Goliath but became a fugitive living in the wild
3. Experience God’s promise and “became Israel’s King”
The many characters in the Bible, Including the apostle Paul are all instruments used by God, They were anointed and experienced many stages in their life. They played different roles, like the four-seasons and with different environments doing different tasks.
Kevin 牧師夫婦是神呼招的工人,曉婷夫婦也是神打發來到首府區的工人,他們的主人都是神自己,在他們身上神自己有計劃與設計,神會給他工人不同的「季節」、「時後」,為要他們進入神給他們的訓練之中,如同傳道書說「凡事都有定期,天下萬務都有定時…栽種有時,拔出所栽種的也有時…拆毀有時,建造有時…保守有時,捨棄有時」(三 1~6)。然後透過他們個人與神的親近,知道神的季節,好在人生過程中不斷去呈現神在他們生命中的帶領,以至於像聖經中的人物一樣,成為許多人的祝福!
God called Kevin and Winnie, Hsaio-Ting and Eric to come to the state capital. They worked for the ultimate, God Himself. God has a plan for them, God gives his workers di0erent “seasons,” “timing” and training. Like the Gospel of Ecclesiastes “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens…a time to plant and a time to uproot…a time to tear down and a time to build… a time to keep and a time to throw away” (chap 3:1-6). They know their seasons in life through God, may God lead them in their di0erent stages in life. Like all the people in the Bible and blessmany more to come!
「義人的路好像黎明的光,越照越明,直到日午。」(箴四 18)
The whole church wishes them:
The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, Shining ever brighter till the full light of day. (proverbs 4:18)
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